CIA NUC presents AIGUA
⇨ Monday, 16th August
⇨ 20:00
⇨ Aerial dance and acrobatics
⇨ 45 mins
⇨ At the Museo Volvo Ocean Race roundabout – free tickets
To reserve your free tickets, send an email to hola@festivalfresca.es with the subject “AIGUA”
The Show
Visual poetry about solidarity, the environment and friendship.
A reflection at 10 metres high, with stilts, aerial dance and acrobatics. A metaphor of our passage through the planet.
In a dystopian universe, which could be ours, two wandering souls, irreverent and thirsty, coincide with the Water Guardian.
He, scowling and bowlegged, will have to open his huge heart to regain the dance and his smile. They, amoral and impertinent, will have to learn to behave. All three need both water and learning to live.
In this story everything moves, waves, sways sinuously like a ship. The system, the emotions, the feelings… they are like water. A subtle work to learn to take care of yourself, take care of the environment and enjoy in harmony.
Shhhh! Emotions will flow like water between the pebbles.
The Company
NUC is a new street theater group formed by Alba Blanco, Sara Gil and Xavi Castelló that proposes contemporary and visual work with a clear message that brings attention to the drought as a starting point and that evolves in human behaviors such as solidarity and friendship and trying to make us aware of the ways in which we use water in our daily lives.
Artistic Credits
Cast: Alba Blanco, Sara Gil, Xavi Castelló
Creator & Director: Biel Jordà
Original Music: Juanjo Ballester
Scenery Design: Xavi Castelló
Scenery Construction: De Ferro
Choreography: Alba Blanco y Sara Gil
Choreographic External Gaze: Aina Pasqual
Wardrobe: Sara Recatalà
Executive Producer: Domingo Martínez