⇨ Saturday, 21st August
⇨ 22:00
⇨ Dance
⇨ 90 mins
The Show
“When I was little I locked myself in my room and dressed in my mother’s green skirt. She adorned my hair with flowers, did my make up, and we danced together secretly. That dance was unthinkable outside those four walls ”.
From this intimate memory of childhood, Viva! is born, in circumstances where social and artistic rules impose, in some way, that the artist must manifest himself according to his gender. After the illusion, desire and need have been isolated, remaining silent for years, Viva! sees the light, recalling those moments. Leaving open the door that separates the private from the public.
A cry for the freedom of transformation, which doesn’t always imply a way of masking but rather a way of undressing.
Liñán proposes the plurality of dance, the different forms and the uniqueness of each one of them. Together with six flamenco dancers, they will explore and dive into dance and this fascinating universe of cross-dressing. Here what counts are the emotions.
As the critics have said, this show will remain in the public memory forever.
The Company
Manuel Liñán is not only a dancer but also a choreographer and director. He is regularly invited to choreograph shows by companies such as the Ballet Nacional de España, Rafaela Carrasco, Teresa Nieto and the Nuevo Ballet Español. In 2008 he began his solo career with TAURO. Later he continued with MUNDO Y APARTE and SINERGIA, shows with which he had the opportunity to visit numerous prestigious festivals such as the Festival de Jerez, which won him the 2012 revelation dancer award. A year later, he was awarded the Premio Max de las Artes Escénicas for best male dance performer and the Flamenco Hoy Critics Award for best dancer. In 2014 he premiered NÓMADA, with which he toured the best festivals in the world. In 2016 he presented REVERSIBLE winning the Critic award of the Jerez Festival. This show continued on a national and international tour. In 2017 he won the Premio Nacional de Danza.
Artistic Credits
Director, Choreography & Dance: Manuel Liñán
Scene Advisor: Alberto Velasco
Dancers & Choreography: Manuel Liñán, Manuel Betanzos, Jonatán Miro, Hugo López, Miguel Heredia, Víctor Martin y Daniel Ramos
Musical Director: Francisco Vinuesa
Music: Francisco Vinuesa, Victor Guadiana y Kike Terron
Musical Advisor: David Carpio y Antonio Campos
Guitar: Francisco Vinuesa
Singer: David Carpio y Antonio Campos
Violin: Victor Guadiana
Percussion: Kike Terrón
Lighting Designer: Gloria Montesinos A.a.i
Lighting Technician: Alvaro Estrada A.a.i
Costume Design: Yaiza Pinillos
Seamstress: Gabi Besa, José Galván (Batas de colas)
Shows: Arte Fyl
Sound Designer: Kike Cabañas
Stage & Machinery: Jose Gallego
Hair & Make Up: Mauro Gastón