⇨ Wednesday, 18th August
⇨ 20:00
⇨ Family Theatre
⇨ 45 mins
The Show
The clock is ticking and all the gears are starting to move. The characters, who imitate clockwork dolls, appear to the rhythm of a bell. The watchmaker acts as a guide to tell the different stories that, always in a humorous tone, we will see appear: stories of clowns, of love and jealousy, of baroque fights, of passion, ending with a recreation of the opera Carmen.
With its originality, it makes people old and young stop in their step in the street or square, and draw a big smile upon seeing the big clock, in a movement that attempts to take the time of the audience.
The Company
Jordi Magdaleno and Enric Casso are La Tal, who began their professional work in 1986. Their theatrical conception and interpretive technique has evolved from the classic figure of the circus clown to the creation of their own universe, in which the characters, the aesthetics, and the situations are decidedly positioned in a very personal kind of humorous theatre.
Since then, they have created shows for children and adults. Carilló becomes one of the company’s emblematic shows.
They have participated in numerous festivals such as Fira Tàrrega, FETEN (Feria europea de teatro para niños y niñas) in Gijón, Festival de Teatro de Calle de Valladolid or the Festival Clásico de Almagro. The company have also toured internationally, in countries such as Australia, Brazil, Turkey, Israel and Taiwan. They have performed at the Watch this Space National Theater of London (UK), Fest’arts Libourne (France) Les Expressifs de Poitiers (France), Reuring (Netherlands), Namur en Mai (Belgium), Sementes (Portugal), The Strada de Graz (Austria) ), Area de la Spezia (Italy), B-Fit in Becharesti (Romania), Carnavale de Venècia, Tollwood in Munich (Germany), International Street Art Festival Sztuka Ulicy in Warsaw (Poland), Kleines Fest in Hannover (Germany) or Waves Fest in Vordingborg (Denmark).
Artistic Credits
Creation & Direction: Companyia La Tal
Actors: Enric Casso, Jordi Magdaleno, Andreu Sans
Music: Tales Music
Scenography: Quico Estivill
Scene Artist: Txema Rico
Costume Design: Txema Rico
Seamstress: Taller Maravillas
Lighting: Marco Rubio