⇨ Monday, 23rd August
⇨ 22:00
⇨ Gestural Theatre
⇨ 90 mins
The Show
“Hotel Paradiso” is a story of tragedies crossed with comedy and is the most mysterious and evil work of the company. The action takes place in a family hotel in the Alps, equipped with a thermal spring.
The protagonists: the elderly director, the shy receptionist son and his impetuous sister, who dispute the future of the company; the rough cook, the kleptomaniac cleaning lady and the customers: a newly married couple, some mountain climbers, and a prostitute.
When the first death appears, staff and guests are swept up in an avalanche of truculence.
“Hotel Paradiso” is a gestural tale, loaded with black humor, stormy feelings and a touch of melancholy.
The Company
Familie Flöz is an international group of creators, actors, musicians, dancers, directors and technicians that has been making its mark on stages around the world since 1996.
With the rediscovery of centuries-old disciplines such as drama, mask play, dance, clown, magic and improvisation, the FAMILIE FLÖZ creates theatrical events of unparalleled poetry. The faces and protagonists of this company are masks and figures designed with a lot of love, who have been left without a voice. That’s why they incite fantasy, awaken melancholic feelings and remind us that the mystery of truth is beyond words.
After more than 25 years of existence, it remains a phenomenon difficult to classify and even more difficult to describe.
The “best comedians group in Germany”, which bewitches audiences from Australia to Zimbabwe, from China to Mexico, has won numerous international awards and has long been one of the most successful export items in German theatre.
Artistic Credits
Anna Kistel
Sebastian Kautz
Thomas Rascher
Frederik Rohn
Director & Stage: Michael Vogel
Wardrobe: Eliseu R. Weide
Masks: Hajo Schüler
Lighting Design:Reinhard Hubert
Lights: Emilio Valenzuela
Sound Design: Dirk Schröder
Production Director: Gianni Bettucci
A Familie Flöz, Theaterhaus Stuttgart, and Theater Duisburg production.