The Show

Nine artists parade, dance, and exchange knowing and furtive glances while juggling nearly a hundred apples, defying the laws of physics and gravity in an unforgettable tea party. Suddenly, the elegant choreography gives way to a time of relaxation, and the subtle English humor turns to a liberating and surprising exercise in destruction.

Smashed is an hour-long piece that recreates nostalgic cinematic scenes in which conflict, strained relationships and lost loves are explored, with a soundtrack of popular songs ranging from the great songwriter Bach to country singer Tammy Wynette to the Music Hall, among others.

Inspired by the work of the great choreographer Pina Bausch, the company borrows elements from her gestural choreography and combines them with the patterns of juggling, both solo and together, to shape a spectacular hybrid that will not leave audiences indifferent.

Critically acclaimed (it won the Herald Angel Award at the Edinburgh Festival), Smashed has become an unrivaled success.

Smashed es una pieza de una hora que recrea escenas cinematográficas nostálgicas en las que se exploran conflictos, relaciones tensas y amores perdidos, con una banda sonora de canciones populares que van desde el gran compositor Bach a la cantante de country Tammy Wynette, pasando por el Music Hall, entre otros.

Inspirada en el trabajo de la gran coreógrafa Pina Bausch, la compañía toma prestados elementos de su coreografía gestual y los combina con los patrones del malabarismo en solitario y en conjunto para dar forma a un espectacular híbrido que no dejará indiferente al público.

Aclamado por la crítica (obtuvo el Premio Herald Angle en el festival de Edimburgo), Smashed se ha convertido en un éxito sin igual.