The Show
“EXPRESS” is a fresh show in which humor is combined with different circus disciplines and where the presence of female acrobats stands out, as well as techniques such as the Chinese pole, the scale, the balances and the clown.
In the “Express” courier agency nothing works as it should. Everything is upside down. Even its workers! Packages come and go between acrobats, balances and juggling. The work does not stop. Shipments fly as much as the employees! They are full of surprises that will amaze everyone. It is possible that, if you come, you’ll have mail!
The show won the 1st Prize Circada Off-2018 in addition to the Teatro Alameda, Cirkorama and Unía awards. In 2019 they won the FETEN Award (Feria Internacional de teatro para niños y niñas) for the Best Street Show.