The Show

When dance goes straight to the emotions.

Mulïer is a dance performance performed by five women on stilts. With this montage they intend to investigate the physical limits with dance and balance, movement and poetry or strength and emotions.

Women are the starting point. The show arises from the need to explore female identity through bodily play, emphasizing image, visual poetics and narration to reach the viewer’s sensitivity.

Every woman harbours within her a wild and free being, an instinctive nature that different civilisations have endeavored to domesticate throughout history. Her natural cycles have been forced to adapt to artificial rhythms to please others, thus extinguishing her innate creative, instinctual and visionary gifts.

This show is a tribute to all women, who for centuries and centuries of oppression have fought and continue to fight to keep their wild selves alive, and who claim their right to dance and run freely through the streets and squares of our society.

Mulïer has won 4 Artes Escénicas Valencianas awards, 2 MAX awards, an UMORE AZOKA award, a Deventer Award for Contribution to Street Arts and the Moritz Award from the Fira Tàrrega, amongst others.